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Kyle Hullmann
Director of Business Development
Get to know Kyle

What do you do for fun/spend your free time?

Golf, fishing, geocaching, new culinary experiences and dogs.

What is the biggest mistake companies make?

Not being open to a conversation and allowing sales positions to remain open for extended periods of time. It is not only the loss of revenue from a given territory or market. The cost of losing ground to competitors and having to rebuild a presence is incalculable. These costs are often fractions of our fees.

What’s the biggest compliment a client or candidate ever paid you?

A sales manager once conducted his weekly sales meeting based on his experiences with me and my approach in earning his business. It was quite humbling.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

At various points (in no particular order) I wanted to be an astronaut, a Ghostbuster, a CIA agent, a physicist and Indiana Jones. I am still kind of holding out on being Indiana Jones.

What are the first three things you do when you wake up?

1) Have a concoction of water/apple cider vinegar/secret mystery powders. 2) Feeling invigorated, I proceed to shower. 3) Clean and full of moxie, I take 3 minutes to decide which pair of colorful dress socks will make my day extra special.

What do you typically eat for breakfast?

Yogurt, I am big on the yogurt.
